quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2007


“Today I dreamed that true was paramont....”(Seal)

its something like this that happened to me… strange cause in the last days I wasn’t dreaming, but over the sudden, when I slept yesterday I was at my friends house, but she was living in my grandma’s old house and she called tons of friends and I got kind of shy and I spoke to each one of them, and then, over the sudden(again) I was at Scotland with some friends, when I ran away from a pub cause I was making fun, but then the owner thought that I was stealing something and then started to shoot at me… but I ran faster, me and my friends, and then I still was at Scotland but then the sun started to show up just as in Brazil, but not so hot, and then I was talking to this girl, she was smiling so pretty to me… her body seemed to be “calling” me to love her, but not in a sexual way, I cant explain damnit! But it was something magic… she hugged me, but we couldn’t stop smiling and talking very smooth, and then John Mayer’s music came from the nowhere, but then his music “Somethings Missing” came originally, but I started to modify the music and mentally change it to build a new one, and then I created a new one totally “fellingfull”, it had a new atmosphere, and then I was with the girl again, but her face changed a bit, and I was like the most complete man in the world, and then I woke up with the stupid alarm… but I shut it down and tried to go back to the dream, I only god more smiles… but in anyways… I was a strange, but perfect feeling, I just walked in the house and just felt like I was still in the dream… I don’t know, somethings gonna happen, but I’ll wait for it… maybe who knows a beautiful girl comes to my life and complete the missing part of me? Ahuuhauha
I’ll be here, just composing and doing what I gotta do…

(first pic, scotland, in the second pic, me doing a never-seen face and my lunatic friend)

domingo, 26 de agosto de 2007

Quinta na Quinta

When I was young once I asked myself if I could make time go back and maybe fix things I did wrong that made mom upset, or maybe to find my little hot wheels car toys that I lost somewhere... well, today I figured out how to maybe turn things against the clock, or maybe to feel as the same. We grow up to absorb knowledge and when old, share to the young ones that will take care of things we once did, but sometimes we forget that not everything is written or calculated, some of the most important decisions are based on an almost-impulsive-based act, the gift and the feeling for the unpredictable, in most times they come together. I couldn’t go to the parks that I once when in US, but I went to one here in Brazil, that made me feel like I was a little child again, I felt that I broke the space-time, that I could go back, of course I didn’t…. I made better, I reinvented some of the world-perception thoughts that I had in my mind and nature helped me to remember that we today live, but tomorrow die, just make your life better everyday… feel like the world is only ours… like babies feel their moms with the touch of the fingers… and time? Maybe we shouldn’t be too worried with it, we invented it, we could ignore it… share the best in you… (picture credits to David Yves, Daniel Eleven and Gabriel Durus – brothers of my band and almost family)

Quando eu era pequeno eu me perguntei se eu poderia fazer o tempo voltar e talvez evitasse que tinha feito mamãe ficar nervosa comigo ou achar meus carrinhos da Hot Wheels que havia perdido e que alguns até hoje não achei... bom, tenho a sensação que posso ter achado uma forma de fazer com que os ponteiros do relógio girassem contrariamente ou sentir como. Nós crescemos para absorver conhecimento e quando velhos, repassar para os jovens que ficariam nos nossos lugares, mas as vezes esquecemos que nem tudo pode ser calculado, as decisões mais importantes são baseadas num ato quase-impulsivo, o dom e o “feeling” para o imprevisível, na maioria dos casos estes vêm juntos. Não pude ir aos parque que um dia me deram felicidade como os dos EUA, porém fui a um no Brasil que me fez relembrar e até parar o relógio da minha vida, como se eu tivesse rompido com o espaço-tempo, que havia uma possibilidade de reverter o tempo, claro que não consegui... fiz melhor, eu reinventei alguns pensamentos e percepções que tinha de mundo e tive ajuda da natureza, vi que hoje vivemos, amanhã morremos, apenas faça sua vida melhor... como se o mundo fosse só nosso... como os bebês que sentem a mãe pelo mais suave toque dos dedos... o tempo? Talvez nos não deveríamos nos preocupar com ele, afinal de contas nós o inventamos, podemos ignora-lo... divida o que há melhor em você... (créditos de fotografia para David Yves, Daniel Eleven e Gabriel Durus – brothers da banda e quase família)

sexta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2007

Feelings Freedom

Freedom? Maybe the most valuable gift given by God and by those whom domain the politics in our countries...but what’s the meaning of freedom for you? To say things that you don’t even think about before speaking it? I’ll tell you what it is, its too feel the perfect vibe of a sunny day with no going back, to run in the sand like a freak just to get a bit tired but not giving a damn for who’s watching you or for what they’re going to say, its to try doing simple things that you never did and never quit before trying it again… Like the freemen in the past that battled for their honor and had the right to run in their horses and feel like they and the nature were one, the green fields after a dark forest, the green ocean kissing the beach after a path full of rocks, the dark night coming but nothing to fear, cause they could trust the nature and the brave ones that were with them and God that always made safe their paths.
Well, things had change, but our free will didn’t, think again before saying that maybe you honored the blood that came from the father of your father, and the fathers from the fathers.
Ride your imagination and set free your feelings…

Liberdade? Talvez um dos dons mais valiosos dados por Deus e por aqueles que regem a política de nossos países... mas qual seria o significado de liberdade pra você? Dizer coisas sem antes ter pensado? Te direi o que é, é como ter as melhores sensações de um dia ensolarado sem volta, é correr na areia feito um louco pra ficar um pouco mais cansado e não dar a mínima pra quem te olhar, sem se preocupar com o que pensarão ou falarão de você, é arriscar algo que você nunca fez e nunca parar após fazer novamente...
Como os homens livres no passado que batalhavam pela honra deles e andavam em seus cavalos e sentir a natureza como se fosse um só, as planícies verdejantes após uma floresta sombria, o verde oceano namorando a praia após um caminho cheio de pedras, a noite escura vindo porém não tendo o que temer pois confiavam nos bravos homens que ali permaneciam e em Deus que sempre manteve seguro o caminho deles.
Bom, as coisas mudaram, mas nosso livre arbítrio não, repense antes de dizer que talvez tenha honrado o sangue que veio do pai de seu pai, e dos pais dos pais.
Flutue na sua imaginação e deixe livres seus sentimentos...

segunda-feira, 30 de julho de 2007

Nice Saturday!

No último sábado o Projeto Lip, no qual estou inserido, participou do Frequencia Jovem, toquei duas musicas animadas e divulgamos o trabalho, foi engraçado pois o técnico do som tentou sabotar a saída do violão, sorte dele que eu sigo A Quem sigo.... foi legal, pois as pessoas se interessaram e fiz alguns contatos. (1ªfoto: Eu e o Gabriel Durus-baixista, 2ª: Lary, Eu e Rougemont- fãs, 3ª: Mommy, 4ª e 5ª eu no showzinho, 6ª: eu e Pr. Jean- um big brother, 7ª: Fabíola-fotógrafa- e Jr. Negão-pentelho e best friend) *fotos provenientes de amigos, não linkados a FT

Last Saturday, the Lip Project, which i work, had its sapce in the event called "Frequencia Jovem", i played two musics and we spoke about our intentions, it was funny becasue the technician that was taking care of the sound almost made me punch him until nothing could remain, not fixing the output of my guitar, his luck that i follow WHO i follow... but it was nice! people asked about and i made some nice contacts. (1 pic: Me and Gabriel Durus-bass player, 2: Lary, Me & Rougemont- fans, 3: Mommy, 4 & 5 me at the show, 6: Me & Pr. Jean- one big brother, 7: Fabíola-photografer- & Jr. Negão-a pain in the balls and best friend) *pictures from friends, didnt come from FT.

domingo, 22 de julho de 2007

Morning time....


Perfeitamente maravilhoso acordar cedo, a ponto de ver as estrelas se despedindo de nós e convidando o Sol para comemorar o dia novo, conhecer cada milímetro cúbico do meu dia, ver que em cada ponto diferente aonde bate a luz do sol, sentir os diferentes cheiros da manhã de uma natureza que nunca é igual, sentir o frio dos raios solares matinais, são simplesmente meus motivos de admiração e contemplação logo pela manhã... Ver que tudo ta conectado, nós viemos da terra, nascemos, crescemos, morremos e voltamos a terra para alimentar a grama, o solo, e enriquece-lo com o que adquirimos ao longo dos anos volta pra terra... Lavoisier e outros ajudaram a observar que tudo volta a origem, a freada de um carro produz calor no chão, energia sonora com o barulho e que essas energias nunca se perdem, Einstein ajudou a ver que tudo se conectara, infelizmente eles só viram uma parada com muito esforço, no entanto faltou o feeling pra toda manhã perceber algo diferente, seus pensamentos irem além do que imaginavam, além do alcançável, além do infinito.... Quem disse que o infinito é infinito? Até o universo que dizem ser infinito possui seus limites... rompa o limite de sua vida e veja como é bom sempre adquirir mais sabedoria, isso ninguém tira de nós, e então poderemos descansar em Paz e devolver a Terra o conhecimento que ela nos forneceu...


Perfectly awesome to wake up in the early morning, to see the stars waving good-bye to us and inviting the Sun to celebrate the new day, to know each cubical millimeter of my day, to pay attention in each different point where the sun light touches, to feel the different smells in a morning of a nature that never is the same, to feel the cold of the freezing morning sun rays, are simply my reasons of admiration and contemplation on each time I open my eyes on the morning… To see that everything is connected, we came from the earth, we are born, we grow, we die and we go back to the earth to feed the grass, the ground, and enriches it with what we have learned throughout the years going back to the ground… Lavoisier and others had helped to observe that everything returns to the origin, the braked of a car produces heat in the street, produces sonorous energy but these energies never are lost, Einstein helped to see that everything is connected, unfortunately they only realized those things thinking very hard, its clearly seen that he didn’t have the feeling to see the things in an other optic, thoughts to go beyond what they imagined, beyond the touchable, beyond the infinite… Who said that the infinite is infinite? Even the universe that was supposed to be infinite it has its limits… break the limit of your life and see how far you can go, it’s good always to gain more wisdom, this nobody can take from us, and then we will be able to rest in Peace and return to earth the knowledge that she gave us…

terça-feira, 17 de julho de 2007


(US) Transmitting life, feelings, polite and obscure thoughts maybe could be something strange, but stranger is to not live your life, or think it could be a disaster, but you didnt even give a step outside... try it, maybe you'll fell better, go and feel the ocean, the sand, the wet grass in the morning, the sounds of the nature composed by the wind against the skin, the birds singing, or even the painting made by God that never stops, each color of the sky changing at each second, it screams your atention in a silent way.... live your best... respect life and love God.

(BR) Transmitir a vida, sensações, pensamentos bons e os obscuros talvez poderia ser algo bizaro, mas o mais estranho é não viver sua vida, ou pensar que poderia ser um disastre, mas você nem mesmo sequer deu uma passo para o mundo lá fora… tente, talvez você se sinta melhor, sentir o oceano, a areia, a grama molhada pela manhã, os sons da natureza composta pelo vento contra a pele, os pássaros que cantam, ou mesmo a pintura feita por Deus que nunca para como cada cor do céu que muda em cada segundo, ela grita silenciosamente para sua atenção…. viva seu melhor… respeite a vida e ame a Deus.