No último sábado o Projeto Lip, no qual estou inserido, participou do Frequencia Jovem, toquei duas musicas animadas e divulgamos o trabalho, foi engraçado pois o técnico do som tentou sabotar a saída do violão, sorte dele que eu sigo A Quem sigo.... foi legal, pois as pessoas se interessaram e fiz alguns contatos. (1ªfoto: Eu e o Gabriel Durus-baixista, 2ª: Lary, Eu e Rougemont- fãs, 3ª: Mommy, 4ª e 5ª eu no showzinho, 6ª: eu e Pr. Jean- um big brother, 7ª: Fabíola-fotógrafa- e Jr. Negão-pentelho e best friend) *fotos provenientes de amigos, não linkados a FT
Last Saturday, the Lip Project, which i work, had its sapce in the event called "Frequencia Jovem", i played two musics and we spoke about our intentions, it was funny becasue the technician that was taking care of the sound almost made me punch him until nothing could remain, not fixing the output of my guitar, his luck that i follow WHO i follow... but it was nice! people asked about and i made some nice contacts. (1 pic: Me and Gabriel Durus-bass player, 2: Lary, Me & Rougemont- fans, 3: Mommy, 4 & 5 me at the show, 6: Me & Pr. Jean- one big brother, 7: Fabíola-photografer- & Jr. Negão-a pain in the balls and best friend) *pictures from friends, didnt come from FT.
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